Happiness = Something We Create

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This morning my husband and I had a meeting with our financial advisor.  After and hour or so of chatting about 401K’s and mortgages and college tuition for four kids, my mind was racing.  This afternoon it got me thinking, just about bills and whatnot.
How often do we go to the mailbox and find something other than a bill? 
“…I believe that happiness is something we create…”
I grew up with pen pals and writing notes.  Many of these said notes I still have to this day. My daughter is going to be a freshman next year, and I wish I could tell you how many times she has told me she wished she grew up in the time that I did. (Well, the 80’s were cool! 😉 ) What do they have? Texting. Nothing to save and look back and think to yourself 25 years later, wow, that was silly!
I am a firm believer in thank you cards, birthday cards, Christmas cards and presents. Heck, Hallmark loves me! I have tried to instill this “old fashioned art” in my kids.  I just believe that it’s important. Maybe it’s because my own mother calls to thank me for her thank you card that I sent her?  Many times I send cards just because I saw it and it reminded me of someone, so I pop it in the mail,
because who doesn’t like to get “fun mail?!”  Nobody, that’s who.
I have a couple girlfriends that we periodically send each other stuff in the mail. One of my friends, who lives about 8 hours away, was planning to send me something she painted for me for my birthday this month. When she got to the post office, it was going to cost her an arm and a leg to get it here! (literally, they wanted to take her arm and her leg!! … just joking…but you know how high the post office can be.)
As luck would have it, her daughter met a friend of hers half way in between our houses last weekend, and he brought me the gift tonight, special delivery to my porch. Not only was it wrapped beautifully, it had a hand made card.  Swoon. 
She and I met half way last year and spent the weekend together shopping and goofing around, and seeing Sugarland in concert.  I have seen Sugarland 4 times and I never tire of them! We had such a great time!  One of my favorite songs by Sugarland is “Something More.”  I have preached and preached to my friends and myself these words so many times. “some believe in destiny and some believe in fate, I believe that happiness is something is something we create.”

Words to live by, my friends.

Never heard the song? Here’s the video!

something more-sugarland
So, to my friend, thank you.  Thank you for reaffirming my belief in friends, in music and lyrics, for singing back to me words I believe in with my whole heart, we make our own happiness and for just plain putting a smile on my face. 🙂

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